Thursday, April 21, 2011

Green. Life. Harmony. Heart. Well Being. Gabrielle

A Resident Advisor, an Afro American Gospel Choir member and is able to turn anybody's sad day into laughter. Gabrielle Woodard is a sophomore at the University of Alabama and is majoring in Psychology.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pink. Calm. Peace. Kind. Quiet. Beauty. Megan.

She is a upcoming writer for the Crimson White, part of the Alpha Delta Chi Christian Sorority and a friend to all and enemy to none (well some) and when she laughs it tends to light up the whole room. Megan Lawrence is a freshman at the University of Alabama that is majoring in Psychology.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Red: Courage. Pride. Confidence. Passion. Love. Trent

"When I think of Red I think of Passion, Confidence, and of course, you know, love."
- Trent Greene

He's an Avanti, a Residential Advisor, and get so many shout outs when walking across campus you would think that he was a Rockstar. (And he's kinda good at Call of Duty too) Trent Greene is a Freshman at the University of Alabama majoring in in Pre-med nursing.

Monday, April 4, 2011


While googling and websurfing about random things we happen to have made a cool new friend name SpaceMan Stew (Yes, there is a song named after him we know) and because he was so awesome we decided to write about him. Why you ask? Well mostly because we are bored so our standard for "Awesome" we probably degraded to the point that seeing a snail cross the road would be defined as "awesome" AND also there are a lot of things about Spaceman Stew that we like. For example I bet you didn't know that spaceman Stew has been to the Moon AND Mars...twice, in fact Spaceman Stew is so awesome that Chuck Norris has a pic of him on his wall.

You see Spaceman Stew does not believe in going with the flow, in face he likes to go against it. "Normal is overrated" is often his favorite motto he likes to chant when someone shouts out that he is a freaking weirdo. But honestly there are too many normal people in the world. So here is a small dedication to our new friend Spaceman Stew and we wish him the best in his future adventure and cause [Boom Boom]

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hello and welcome to our Home Page, Here you will find all the latest news about our upcoming productions, videos, and other random things we want to talk about! So cruise around, check out our videos, and tell us want you think!